
Clonazepam Purchase With Paypal Here is the latest video, for the lead-off track from our third album Suite: Dreams (July 1, 2020) – a sub-3 minute poppy lovesong called All & Everything.  Filmed entirely on location in the easiest place for me to film, at our floating home and all around the Marina in which we are moored.  This was done during pandemic isolation, so I had to do it all myself, but it was pretty fun to wander around and jump up and down like a maniac (carefully avoiding a fall into the ocean). The official video for Say I Do was filmed on location in Las Vegas in 2017.  Director and longtime collaborator Robert Riendeau flew down and spent a little less than 24 hours in Sin City getting all the shots seen here.  Special shout out goes to The Little Vegas Chapel for welcoming the small film crew to shoot at their landmark wedding chapel in the shadow of the Stratosphere.  Owner Mike and Charles (better known as Elvis) were awesome and made it into the final cut!

The second official video from Songs of Serenity is for the title track, Serenity, which is also the name of the floating home where I live with my girlfriend Brandy (who also assisted on this shoot – best canoe boom in the biz!)  Robert knew the video needed to center on this peaceful oasis from the bustle of the city, and shot everything there (except a few opening glimpses of the Vegas airport from the last video shoot).  His imagery and the understated performance perfectly capture the reflective mood of this song about home in all its forms.

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Cheap Generic Zolpidem Our second album, Follow UP was released so quickly on the heels of the first that I couldn’t wrangle any time out of my favorite director, so had to cobble together some videos myself.  The first of these is for the album’s third song, Not Jane.  Also filmed at home on Serenity, it’s a simple tribute to the guitar-heavy song, portraying the three different parts played on three different instruments.  I figured, with axes this sweet, who needs to see my face?

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Buy Zolpidem Overnight Delivery The next video I did from Follow UP was the very opposite – it’s almost entirely focused on my face!  Since the song is called Ambien Buy Online Overnight I Know You, about that vague sense of recognition you get sometimes, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to shave my beard in carefully planned stages over a weekend and film as many different set-ups as possible to splice together into one video.  I’m not sure even I know all these characters, but it was a fun one to put together!

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Buy Clonazepam Discreet Shipping A few years back my buddies Kurt Comer and Jeff Gontovnick (check out their band Bad PR) and I came up with this song and video to promote the charity MOvement known as Movember.  I managed to get Robert Riendeau (who filmed both smash hit videos for The Orchid Highway) onboard to direct.  Because he’s a pro and his time ain’t cheap, at the end of the shoot I gave him the guitar I used in filming it, a classic Gibson SG as seen here.

Zolpidem Uk Buy Robert Riendeau directed these next two videos as well, when The Orchid Highway got on the Rainbow Quartz record label out of Brooklyn NY.  The first single, Next World, was used to showcase to the world the vast amount of vintage gear this band operated with – all those guitars, keyboards, amplifiers etc were ours, and it took two days to set up that vast wall of gear.  A fun shoot, but tiring with the long set-up and break-down. Our next single was Sofa Surfer Girl, which ended up getting even more airplay around the US – especially in Hawaii where it landed in heavy rotation on Maui’s KEAO.  Something they like about surfing there.  Also a fun time filming this one with Robert, but a much simpler set up – this was all about the band members, sitting around being ourselves.  Y’know, big rock stars giving a press conference.

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