https://seameotropmednetwork.org/docus/jawepume/ There have been some serious delays putting together the vinyl edition of Songs of Serenity – something I’ve been looking forward to so long, I feel like a kid tortured by a big wrapped present under the tree long before Christmas. Originally, I planned to have this ready for that magical date, but now it is going to be into the new year before the 12″ vinyl record is delivered.
https://calif-ilc.org/21xss4dc952Naturally, we will do another release show here in Vancouver when we have confirmed dates, likely in early February.
https://www.beecavebee.com/5idheo9k3l Meanwhile, we’ve been slowly spreading the word to promote the album online beyond the old hometown, hoping to break through the avalanche of music constantly streaming out there in the wide world. Touring is not in the cards right now for a number of reasons, so it’s all good old-fashioned hustle. That’s the hard part of this whole independent enterprise, taking care of the business when all I really want to do is play and record music.
Buy Ambien Online SafelyWith that never-dying urge pressing us on, we are headed back into the studio TOMORROW to start work on what will eventually be the follow up album, coming later in 2018. We have 10 songs ready to go, and are excited to get back in Echoplant with Matt DiPomponio for two full days of recording.
https://regenamex.com/gnasv4p528 But not to get ahead of ourselves, we still need to give Songs of Serenity its best chance of being heard (TCOB). We have one more local show coming up to cap off this amazing year of 2017 — Dec 30th at the Fairview Pub with Danny Echo and the Shittalkers. If you’ve missed our other shows, this is your chance to see what this band can bring live (hint: I’ve got some great players on board!). Come and ring out the old year with us and some awesome local musical friends!
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Watch this space for an announcement of the vinyl pre-order and album release show!
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