https://www.beecavebee.com/vgsjl7jn7f After some months of apparent inactivity (which trust us, have been well spent working on new songs for the next album), we finally have some shows to announce in the Vancouver area — and an official release date!
Clonazepam For Panic AttacksOn B.C.’s holiday http://www.galleriamoitre.com/ojjitb7w6f Monday August 6th, an excellent local organization S.A.F.E.R. (Suicide Attempt Follow-up Education & Research) is holding a fundraiser at Moose’s Down Under (830 W. Pender). Painting Hope is “a night of Burgers, Beer, Painting (optional), Live Music, and Fun!” and we will be kicking off that live music at 8pm. You can purchase tickets to this event supporting a very worthy cause https://olashirt.com/kc7qghc0e here.
Where To Buy Clonazepam Online The build-up to our brand-new upcoming album continues with a show at The Fairview (898 W. Broadway) for Buy Ambien Online Overnight Cod International Pop Overthrow ( Ambien 12.5 Mg Online IPO), which we played last year (and every year for the past decade in various bands!). The touring fest launched and run by David Bash will be here https://www.suitupmaine.org/v2fv8u6u0x6 Thursday Aug 30th (when we will take the stage at 11pm precisely) through Saturday Sep 1st, when all of us will also be playing in several other bands, including an overdue reunion of https://juristas-ruidos.org/qe0bqfd0 The Top Drawers with Eric and myself! If you love great music in the classic stylings of power pop, garage-y sixties and pure fun rock and roll you should come to all three nights (I know I am).
https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/pdajc1i And only one week later, we will officially release our follow-up to https://adamkaygroup.com/uncategorized/uh9wx5phug Songs of Serenity (still available here on CD, digital or glorious 12″ vinyl – get it before we drop our next one!) Saturday, September 8th, which just happens to be my birthday and the one-year anniversary of last year’s release, we will hit the stage at LanaLou’s to introduce the world to… Follow UP! The title that started with a pun, but became so much more: a collection of songs focused on positivity in its various forms. We are very excited about this album and can’t wait to play songs from it on stage – and get these catchy little tunes humming in all your CD and digital players via whatever media you like best. Vinyl to follow by early 2019.
http://www.galleriamoitre.com/r6sqqpw We hope to see you out to one or two – or all three! – of these shows as we get set to release this latest full-length album into the wide world. More to come!
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