Follow UP: Swept Away Our brand-new album (coming out Sept 8) is a companion to Purchasing Ambien Online Songs of Serenity, recorded with the same band and producers at the same studio – Echoplant.  All songs started on acoustic, fitting the singer-songwriter feel I started this project out with, but this time there is definitely more electric guitar, leads, and an overall upbeat feel that feels like a natural progression from our first release.
The band, rooftop chillin’: Scott, Derek, Adrian, and Eric (Photo by Wendy D) Calling this record Follow UP started as a pun, coming so closely on the heels of the last one, but the songs we worked on all had a positive vibe, so a theme naturally grew that justified the name.  I also couldn’t resist the social media import of “follow”s and “up”-votes (whether “like”s, “love”s, or thumbs up).  As we trot out the new tunes over the next couple weeks, you’ll see some different aspects of positivity featured in each.

Order Clonazepam Without Prescription Without further ado, our first preview is the 2nd track (leaving the lead-off till last), called “Swept Away”: This song looks back at single days, being flirtatious, finding that one perfect gaze in a crowd that says so much – and knowing it’s a mutual, equal attraction.  I’ve always hated the concept of someone being ‘out of your league’ or putting someone ‘up on a pedestal’ so I set out to puncture some of those myths in this song, while preserving the spirit of excitement we all feel when we suddenly find that connection with someone new.  As for the cliche of “seizing every day”, I will own that one – it definitely still rings true!

Stay tuned for more previews over the next week and a half, and we’ll see many of you out at the Fairview, Thu Aug 30th, and the album release party at LanaLou’s Sat, Sep 8th!